
This is the blog of a voice hearer. I hear the voices of four witches. I also hear the voices of The Fifth.

I have wanted to document my experiences as a voice hearer for a long time. I have wanted to talk about them freely. I have been too afraid.

It is my hope that I can use this blog to simply share my voices with you.


“She says she wants to help you but you can’t explain it to her. You are right, she would not understand. But there are mysteries about her as well that will remain so. Do not upset yourself with this because you cannot understand them either. From the beginning of time as you know it, to the end of time as it will be, you both love each other beyond words. So be done with words in these matters. They will only lead to questions, doubts, and uncertainty; never an understanding. You already share the greatest understanding that will ever exist. Be thankful.” – Nora

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